The first few moments in the morning of TPP

Each morning during the work week wake up call is before 7:30 AM.  A few groans from the students are the morning greeting I recieve.  Breakfast is usually a mad scramble in the dining hall.  Everywhere you move you find arms and legs traveling from one table to another.  After breakfast all of the close to 200 participants come together in the sanctuary for devotion time.  The sanctuary is my favorite space at the Pittsburgh Project.  The ceilings are as high as a cathedral with ivory arch ways and sage green curtains over the windows.  It is an expansive room that can fit all us during worship.  While the slides scroll on the screen across the stage during devotion time I marvel at the fact that everyone is sharing a quiet moment.  Questions and images prompt our time.  This year Wayne, the preacher for the week, had us think about what it means to be follower’s of Christ.  We are a people trying to live abnormally in a world that expects us to be normal.  He told us that it is an amazing feat to have all of these students come together over a week in the summer to serve and to learn.  What an interesting start to a day of hard work and learning.

~ by workofthepeople on July 25, 2011.

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